Digital Twins

3d visualization

  • 3D visualization of the overall picture of the asset map of the oil and gas region, including production and economic indicators for oil and gas: planned/actual production, wells, profitability, number of repairs, and number of employees; field: name of site for the day/month; the boundaries of the fields are colored in accordance with the history of events
  • 3D visualization of the overall picture of the field: bushes, wells, pipelines, roads, power lines, production facilities, and dynamic objects such as transport or people
  • Interactive 2D/3D visualization of production equipment on the site: control unit, transformer, rocking machine, wellhead equipment, BKNS, pipelines, etc.
  • Mechanism for event notification: accident, equipment, events, transport, personnel, etc.
  • Ability to view the attributes/parameter values of any object, employee, or item of equipment in real time or near real time
Key capabilities
Predictive alerts and analytics
Online personnel and transport monitoring
What we did
Dashboards & analytics
Integrated planning and optimization
Computer vision
The final product was not only a beautiful, useful data visualization, but also a monitoring tool that helps with the constant monitoring of all activities and events in the oilfield and assists in the making of management decisions in real time

By project completion, what began as a conceptual pilot was being advanced for public release as a new revenue stream
  • 27 usability sessions

    With more than 100 users
  • +3 million impressions

    Within the first 30 days
  • 6 months

    From initial meeting to launch